The Movies are listed according to their Release Dates in Germany from July 2002 until December 2002
Sweet Home Alabama
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Reese Witherspoon plays a career-woman, who is a famous designer in
New York. One day, she is being asked in a very romatic way by her boy-friend
to marry her. She says 'yes', but before actually getting married, she
has to be divorced from her current husband, whom she hasn't seen in years.
Therefore she travels bacl to Alabama.
It is a real ice any funny movie, with many laughs, especially the part when she is coming back to Alabama is great. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Dec.19th |
The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
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For more go to: The must-see-movie of the
p1 & p2-short-rating: |
Dec.18th |
Bowling for Columbine
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For more go to: The must-see-movie of the
p1 & p2-short-rating: |
Nov.21st |
Spurwechsel (Changing Lanes)
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(shown a long time ago in the Sneak Preview - therefore only in German
- sorry)
Bei einem Spurwechsel kracht der Anwalt (Ben Affleck) in den Arbeiter (Samuel L. Jackson). Danach ist bei den Beiden nichts mehr, wie es einmal war, da sich deren beiden Leben an diesem Freitag tragisch verändert. Der Anwalt verliert eine Akte bei diesem Unfall, die der Arbeiter findet. Diese Akte sollte bei einem Prozess das entscheidende Beweismittel sein und ihn vor dem Gefängnis retten. Die Akte hat jedoch der Arbeiter, der allerdings durch diesen Unfall zu spät zu einem Gerichtstermin kommt, bei dem er seine Frau und seine Kinder zum Verbleib in NY überzeugen will, da er ein Haus auf Kredit gekauft hat. Und jetzt beginnt ein 'wie-Du-mir-so-ich-Dir-Spiel' der Beiden, das immer absurder wird. Dies ist ein durchaus gut gemachter Film, bei dem sich der Verlauf immer wieder ändert und zwar in Richtungen, die man nicht erwartet. Aber es fällt einem schon etwas schwer, sich vorzustellen, das es so etwas geben soll - wobei man dies nie ausschliessen soll. Ben Affleck fehlt etwas die Überzeugungskraft. Aber alles in allem hätte man drei Filme aus der Handlung machen können. (p1) Eine gut besetzte Mischung aus Anwaltsthriller und Milieu-Studie ueber einen Oberklasse-Mensch (Der Anwalt) und einen Unterklasse-Mensch (Ein Ex-Alkoholiker), die sich gegenseitig mit Ihren Mitteln niederzuringen versuchen. Gut gespielt trotz einiger Laengen und einem klischeehaften Ende. (p2) p1 & p2-short-rating: |
Nov.7th |
Buffalo Soldiers - Army go home (Filmfest Munich)
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West-Germany 1989 – shortly before the Berlin Wall fell: In an American
Army Base several soldiers, leaded by Joaquin Phoenix, are dealing with
drugs and also weapons. But one new lieutenant is beginning to investigate
what’s going on and makes life very hard for them, especially after the
leader fell in love with his daughter (Anna Paquin). It is a highly interesting
movies which has some fun (the scene with the tank), but it is also very
shocking, if you imagine, that guys like this would have gone into a war.
A movie to think about! (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Oct.31st |
The Divine Secrets of Ya-Ya-Sisterhood
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Four Girls are founding during a secret ceremony the ‘Ya-Ya-Sisterhood’.
Several Years later, the daughter (Sandra Bullock) of one of this girls,
is having a fight with her mother, because in an interview in the ‘Time
Magazine’ she is saying some not so nice things about her. So the other
three of the Ya-Ya’s are ‘kidnapping’ the daughter and tell her the divine
secrets of the ya-Ya’s.
Actually I would say, this is more a woman’s movie (keep your paper-tissues ready), but it is a beautiful told story, which jumps back and forward in time and tells the story with a lot of love. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.31st |
Red Dragon
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Hannibal Lector is back...well this is a prequal to the 'Silence of
the Lambs' and also a Remake, because this book of Thomas Harris is already
known under the title 'Manhunt'. But due to the big success of 'Lambs'
and 'Hannibal', it was decided, that Anthony Hopkins should also play the
beginning, to make the Hannibal-Trilogy complete. The movie is quite o.k.
- it starts with the capture of Hannibal and the 'retirement' of the cop
(Edward Norton), who got him. But after some time, this cop is needed for
a new case, where somebody (Ralph Fiennes) is killing people at full moon.
And the cop is needed to talk to Hannibal for a profile of the new killer.
As I said, the movie is o.k. with some nice shock effects, but no as good as 'Silence of the Lambs', but better than 'Hannibal'. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.31st |
Austin Powers in Goldmember
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Yeah Baby! Mr. Shag-Well is back! The beginning of the Movie is really
excellent and I don't want to tell anything about this. After that the
movie slows down and you will find many things, which you already know
from the first two parts. But there are some good ideas inside and the
end is surprising, which could actually be continued in another movie,
where some really new things might happen. If you are an Austin Powers
Fan, you will like this movie, otherwise you shouldn't go. (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Oct.24th |
High Crimes - Im Netz der Lügen
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She (Ashley Judd) is a successful lawyer, but during one evening her
husband is all of a sudden arrested and brought in front of a military
court. He is accused of murdering several innocent people during a mission.
She wants to defend her husband, but therefore she needs help from somebody
(Morgan Freeman), who knows how the military court works.
A very well done suspense thriller, even you may have seen this plot in some other movies already. Morgan Freeman is doing a great performance a an old lawyer, who just became sober, but who has some tricks. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.24th |
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Prot (Kevin Spacey) is coming out of the Nowhere and his brought to
a clinic, after some mess at Central Station. There he meets Dr. Powell
(Jeff Bridges) and explains him, that he is coming from the planet K-Pax.
Nobody believes him, even after he demonstrates some very detailled knowledge
about the star system. And the time to go back has come.
The Actors show an excellent performance and the story is good and interesting, but a little bit too long. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.17th |
Black Hawk Down
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Zu Beginn war ich schon etwas skeptisch: das wird wahrscheinlich wieder
ein uebermaessig patriotischer Kriegsfilm. Aber ich wurde eines Besseren
belehrt. Der Regisseur Ridley Scott (u.a. Aliens) findet hier eine Erzählweise,
welche die Ereignisse in Somalia (Absturz eines Hubschraubers im Krisengebiet
und anschliessende Befreiung der Soldaten) relativ neutral erzählt
und dabei auch das Vorgehen der Amerikaner bei solchen Einsätzen belichtet.
Durchaus sehenswert, aber auch sehr 'hart' gefilmt. (p1)
Somalia 1993: Amerikanische Delta-Forces und Army-Ranger-Einheiten versuchen den Warlord Aidid und seine Fuehrungscrew festzunehmen. Was als Blitz-Kommandounternehmen beginnt, endet mit einer blutigen Strassenschlacht, bei der fuer die Soldaten am Ende nur noch das eigene (Ueber-)Leben und das der Kameraden zaehlt. Ridley Scott schafft es dabei, dem Zuseher die Geschehnisse dieser Tage brutal und dennoch so neutral zu erzaehlen, dass sich jeder sein Urteil selbst bilden kann (und auch muss). Kein Film fuer jemand, der kein Blut sehen kann. (p2) p1 & p2-short-rating: |
Oct.10th |
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A detective (Al Pacino) and his colleague are flying to the north of
Alaska to help the local team investigating in a murder case. During hunting
a local suspect (Robin Williams) in the woods, Pacino is unfortunately
shooting at his colleague. During the next days, Pacino has his ups and
dows and is getting mad, because in this area is 24h daylight – he can’t
get no sleep.
Pacino is fantastic in this interesting and very intelligent plot; especially the situation of getting no sleep and how somebody can change, makes the story a real hit. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.10th |
The Guru
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A guy is moving from India to the Big City of New York to become a
star. Actually he is starting as a waiter, but during one party he has
to stand in as a Guru and finds out, how important it is for New York Women
to learn about Sex. So he is trying to learn this from a Porn-Star (Heather
Graham) and passing it to women. Again a very funny movie with some india
touch, but not as good as ‘Kick it like Beckham’, because it is more a
simple, not intelligent, comedy. (p1)
A young actor/dancer leaves India to find his American dream. Shortly after his arrival in New York, its bored and neurotic High Society finds in him and through him their dream of a live without the limitations of their own society. A comedy about different livestyles in different cultures, but also about love, trust and how to find one's own way in live. No big (American) stars but a lot of fun. (p2) p1-& p2-short-rating: |
Oct.10th |
Kick it like Beckham
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This is an absolut fanastic comedy from UK. A girl from india, born
and grown up in U.K. is playing soccer with her friends, but her parents
don’t know that. A british girl is playing soccer in a womens soccer team,
but her parents don’t like that. The british girl is asking the girl from
india to join her team and the problems and conflicts are starting.
A really great comedy, which shows social conflicts within two different families and cultures and how they can work together. U gotta see it!!!!! (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Oct.3rd |
Minority Report
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For more go to: The must-see-movie of the
p1-short-rating: |
Oct.3rd |
The Bourne Identity
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A boat finds during a storm an unconsciousness man (Matt Damon – Good
Will Hunting), who has no idea who he is. So he is beginning the search
for his past during Europe and he finds out, that he must be some kind
of Agent or something like that, because he discovers also, that he has
some special skills like fighting. During his search has to use a girl
as a hostage (Franka Potente – Run Lola Run) to get out of a embassy and
they become friends. In the mean time, other people begin to search for
him. The first half of the movie is a good and thrilling Agent Movie, but
in the second half it is very easy to guess, how it will end. It is o.k.
to see, but don’t expect too much suspense. (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Sept.26th |
Rat Race
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Eight People are choosen in a Casino in Las Vegas to go on a Road Trip
to a city New Mexico, where they will find a million US-Dollars in a locker
in a station. And of course, the one who gets there first can keep the
money. So this funny and crazy race starts with Whoppi Goldberg, Rowan
Atkinson, Cuby Gooding Jr. and others. But what they don't know, that the
owner of the Casino (John Clesse) and some other rich people are betting
money on them, who will reach there first.
It is a very funny movie, with some great moments, because you can't imagine on what rich people will bet also. You can enjoy yourself and have many laughs. (p1) p1-short-rating: |
Aug.29th |
About a Boy
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A man in its end thirties (Hugh Grant) is searching for something new
and he joins the club for single parents. All are women with kids and he
is the only man, who of course has no kid, but he is acting like he has
one. Actually he doesn’t like kids, but after some time he is becoming
the friend of a more and less lonesome boy. Hugh Grant is playing here
in a good comedy and it is really fun to watch and has many laughs. But
it looks like, that Hugh Grant is sticking to these rolls and I am really
wondering if he will play something different in the future. (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Aug.22nd |
Bad Company
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Two twin brothers are seperated after they are born. One is becoming
a smart CIA-Agent, the other one a ticker-dealer on the streets. After
the CIA-brother is killed, the other one has to take his place and is being
trained to act as his brother, because they have to finish an importnmat
deal about an atomic device. The story itself is not new and you can guess,
who it ends, but please don’t take too much note about logial failures.
The characters are played well from Chris Rock as twin-brother, who brings
some fun to this movie and Anthony Hopkins as the ‘CIA-Teacher’. It is
o.k. to see, but not a must. Sorry, Jerry Bruckheimer, you have done much
better movies. (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Aug.22nd |
Mr. Deeds
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After the death of a Multi-Millionaire the search for his heirs begins.
Finally the find somebody (Adam Sandler) from a very small and local town,
how never left the village in his whole life. He is now going to the big
city New York and has to learn, that not everybody is very friendly to
him. And even the girl (Winona Ryder), he falls in love with, is plying
games with him – at least in the beginning. A very funny film and Adam
Sandler is really good in the role, but which is also kind of typical for
him. It is a good Popcorn Movie with good characters, but a story line
known very well from other movies. (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
Aug.1st |
Der Schuh des Manitu - Extra Large
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The most successful German-Movie with Comedy-Super-Star Bully is back
with 10min of additional scenes.
For more see (only in German): The must-see-movie of the moment. p1-short-rating: ![]() |
July11th |
Lilo & Stich
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Ein gezüchtetes Monster wird von seinem Heimatplaneten verbannt
und findet auf der Erde in Lilo ein Mädchen, welches sehr einsam ist
und im Streit mit der Schwester liegt. Das Monster gibt sich als Hund aus
und wird von Lilo gekauft und auf den Namen Stich getauft. Hier hat Disney
einen sehr schönen und lustigen Film geschaffen, der irgendwo auch
sehr nachdenklich stimmt. Ist auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen und macht
sicherlich jedem Spass, da die Film witzige Dialoge und Einfälle hat
('bedrohte Tierart Moskitos!!!!!', etc.) (p1)
p1-short-rating: |
July4th |